Founded in 1967, the Associated Student Government of Avery Point (ASG) is a group of student leaders dedicated to enhancing the college experience for our fellow students. Our organization serves as the official representative of the Avery Point undergraduate student body to the University Leadership.
Our primary mission is to create a fun, welcoming atmosphere on campus. Each year, we spend over $30,000 to program inclusive events across campus – as well as fund each Avery Point club. We also work to provide a platform for students to voice their opinions and concerns, advocate for them, and promote positive change on campus. Our mission is to create a supportive and inclusive environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and personally.
In the immediate years following the COVID-19 pandemic, the ASG underwent numerous structural changes to improve its overall efficiency and bolster its ability to advocate for students. Highlighted policy improvements include representation on the University Senate and other committees, the creation of an Advocacy Sub-Board and Strategic Advisory Committee, and on-campus initiatives including the Safe-Sex Product Distribution Project.
The ASG is made up of ten elected officers and numerous appointed positions. Our boards and committees meet weekly to discuss important issues, plan events, and develop initiatives that benefit our Avery Point community. All of our meetings are open to the general public – all students are encouraged to attend!
Learn more by checking out the rest of our website and take a look at some of our leaders throughout Avery Point's history!

Evan Childs, President, 2024-Present
Evan Childs was elected President of the Student Body during the Spring of 2024. He began his ASG career after successfully leading a write-in campaign to become the Freshman Chair, a position that no longer exists. As Freshman Chair, he played an instrumental role in expanding ASG advocacy efforts regarding student athletes on campus. He later served as the first Chief of Staff to President Zachary Boudah, who encouraged him to run for Vice-President in the Fall of 2023. Following his successful campaign, he led ASG event programming efforts, co-organized the first ever Avery Point "First Night" and delivered testimony to the Appropriations Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly. Towards the end of his term, he campaigned for President on a platform of maintaining the Boudah-era policies and investing more heavily in large-scale, "quality over quantity," events. Evan's first term as President began on May 3rd, 2024, consisting of a large administration with over 12 inaugural members.

Zachary Boudah, President, 2022-2024
Zachary Boudah was elected President of the Student Body in Spring 2022 and re-elected a year later. Just three weeks into his first semester at UConn Avery Point, he was elected Vice-President of the Student Body after being encouraged by President Horlitz. As Vice-President, Zach collaborated with student leaders to combat food insecurity through initiatives like the Husky Market Program and the Husky Harvest Food Pantry. After winning the presidency in the Spring ASG election, Zach implemented major changes to the ASG Constitution, including creating easily-amended By-Laws. He expanded the organization by creating multiple boards, committees, and positions, which increased ASG membership by 300%. Zach managed over $100,000 in treasury reserves following the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthened ties with Mystic Aquarium, launching annual events such as Penguins & Pizza and the End of Year Celebration. During his tenure, Zach expanded ASG advocacy efforts by co-organizing the largest student protest in UConn history, demanding larger state funding on the steps of the state capitol, championing the Husky Harvest Food Pantry, and launching a Safe-Sex Product Distribution Project that delivered thousands of products to students. In Spring 2023, he became the first regional campus student to serve on the University Senate, where he presented and passed numerous By-Law amendments to increase regional campus representation. In Spring 2024, he encouraged Evan Childs, his Vice-President, to run as his successor.

Julia Horlitz, President, 2021-2022
Bio not currently available.