Create a Club at Avery Point

How To Create Your Registered Student Organization:

Step One: Submit a New RSO Application on UConntact! This is the official platform the University uses to regulate and display clubs. Once you complete it, the Avery Point Student Activities Office will be notified and they will be in touch to coordinate a meeting, where you will discuss your submission. For your submission, be ready to answer the following questions:

  1. To your knowledge, is this a restarting organization that was previously closed/disbanded/existed at UConn in the past?
  2. Please list the name, NetID, and UConn email of the students who will serve as your organization's President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
  3. Please list the name and email of your Faculty/Staff Advisor.
  4. What will the name of your organization be?
  5. Please describe your organization in under 200 words.

Register here:

Step Two: Meet with the Avery Point Student Activities Staff! Once they are notified of your submission, they will email you to set up a meeting to discuss your submission and how to complete the process. To ensure a timely meeting, please promptly email!

Step Three: Complete the SOLID Workshops! All officers in your organization will need to complete SOLID Workshops to be recognized as official organizations. Once you submit all of the names, emails, and NetIDs for your officers in the UConntact system, you will have access to the workshops on HuskyCT.

For more information:

Step Four: Create and submit your organization's Constitution! To do this, download and fill out the template below before submitting it to UConntact.

Please use this template: Avery Point RSO Constitution Template.docx

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Is An RSO? What Is A Club? What Is The Difference?

All official clubs at UConn are referred to as Registered Student Organizations (RSOs). The terms are synonymous! If someone is referring to a club, student organization, or RSO, remember that they are all talking about the same thing!

Who Can Start A Club?

Any full-time undergraduate or graduate student in good standing with the University can start a new organization on campus, as long its purpose and goals are different from those that have already been established. If you wish to be an officer of a club, you must be taking the majority of your credits on the Avery Point campus.

What Do I Name My Organization?

All Avery Point organizations will be referred to as "Example Club - Avery Point Campus." Feel free to create a unique and representative name for your organization – and please remember that you cannot use the term "University of Connecticut."

What Are Organization “Tiers”?

Registered Student Organizations at Avery Point are divided into three distinct Tiers. Most students are looking to create a Tier-II organization!

  • Tier-I Organizations: These are student groups sharing an interest, intending to have regular meetings, and becoming a recognized entity. They do not organize events on campus and are generally low-risk.
  • Tier-II Organizations: These also comprise students with shared interests, who convene regularly and want organizational recognition. However, Tier-II groups can organize campus events and seek financial support from student governance. Most of UConn's organizations fall into this category.
  • Tier-III Organizations: Recognized as the most prominent and active student groups on campus, these organizations mainly rely on student fees for funding. They cater to significant segments of the student population, and their leaders shoulder the critical task of managing the organization, representing the student body, and overseeing the use of their funds responsibly. Achieving a Tier-III status is not a choice, but rather a designation granted after meeting several criteria, including endorsement and approval from top University officials.

What Are Organization “Categories”?

When you are creating your organization, there are various "categories" you will be asked to choose to help students understand what kind of organization you are!

All Avery Point organizations must select "Avery Point Campus" as one of their categories during the UConntact form submission process.

How Long Does This Process Take?

It depends! It should take no more than a week or so to get your organization created and scheduled for review with the Avery Point Student Activities Office. However, your organization may not be "active" until all of your officers complete their trainings – they do not take that long, get them done!